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Investing in innovation: The case of Bulgarian venture capital

BVCA members discussed the future of innovation in Bulgarian companies and the importance of financing their growth through venture capital investment.

Partners at leading Bulgarian-based venture capital funds joined a panel discussion at IT Hub Connect – one of the leading events in Sofia, part of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. How to foster innovation, which are the Bulgarian success stories and what else needs to be done to support local companies in becoming global, were among the topics for discussion.

BVCA Chairman, Evgeny Angelov, opened the panel with a presentation of the state of the Bulgarian entrepreneurial and investment scene.

The discussion was joined by Partners from PostScriptum Ventures, Empower Capital, Eleven Ventures, LAUNCHub Ventures and BlackPeak Ventures.

IT Hub Connect forum was organised by the Indian-Bulgarian Business Chamber (IBBC) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (AmCham Bulgaria), under the auspices of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Its goal was to strengthen the relationship between the thriving IT industries in the Balkans, India and US, setting а common ground for cooperation. The event brought together government officials, C-level executives, business experts and startup companies from Southeast Europe, India and US to discuss three main pillars – InnovationsRegulations and Investments.

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