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Official Launch of BVCA

Sofia, Bulgaria — The Chairman of the Bulgarian Venture Capital Association announced the launch of the organization at the annual “Deals and Dealmakers” investment summit, organized by the biggest Bulgarian economic and business newspaper – Capital Daily.

The conference is the only event of its kind in the country. It focuses on the latest deals in the local market, and the regional context in which thay are happening. After eight successful editions, the 2015 conference offered a platform for funds, investors and entrepreneurs to discuss the investment environment and elaborate strategic plans for its future development.

BVCA was presented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association, Mr. Evgeny Angelov. His presentation offered an overview of the developments of the private equity and venture capital market in Bulgaria and beyond.

He shared BVCA founding members’ believe that the time has come to coordinate and synchronize their activities in the framework of such an Association and how it will fulfill its mission to popularize, develop and broaden the scope of PE & VC in Bulgaria and the region.

Thus, the conference was the first public announcement of the launch of BVCA. It allowed us to find many potential partners and collaborators among over 200 investors, industry leaders, M&A advisors, investment fund representatives, legal and financial advisers. The warm welcome for our initiative gave us confidence to continue fulfilling our ambitious plans for BVCA.

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