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Become a member

BVCA unites the investment community in Bulgaria and creates a strong public platform for each individual member to make positive impact on the industry. The association works closely with all interested parties to ensure sound public policy, which fosters entrepreneurship, innovation and growth.

Member Benefits

BVCA popularises the role of private investments in Bulgaria
Encourages organisations and individuals to invest in the equity of companies.

Identify new investment opportunities for our members.

Support our members by promoting their investment activities.
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
BVCA popularises the role of private investments in Bulgaria
Advocates on behalf of the industry
BVCA represents the interests of its members and communicates the common needs of the industry to the Government.

We also support public institutions in their efforts to improve the business environment in Bulgaria.
Advocates on behalf of the industry
Gathers and disseminates industry data
BVCA gathers information on investments, exits, fundraising activities and other industry trends in Bulgaria.

We provide market reports and news about market developments to our members.
Gathers and disseminates industry data
Promotes Bulgarian entrepreneurship and innovation
BVCA represents the industry at relevant national and international events and conferences.

Cooperates with media partners to raise awareness to the work of the investment community.

Organises educational and networking events.

Develops initiatives to inform and enlist the Bulgarian diaspora in the activities of the local investment community.
Promotes Bulgarian entrepreneurship and innovation

Membership types

BVCA attracts as members seed, venture capital, private equity funds and other organisations or individuals who are actively involved in investment activities. We also welcome banks, law firms, corporate finance advisors as associate members.

Full Members

Organisations or persons actively involved in investing capital in companies, such as:

pre-seed, venture capital and private equity funds
intermediary organisations such as fund of funds and secondary funds
pension funds and insurance companies
angel investors

Associate Members

Organisations or persons actively involved in improving the investment ecosystem, such as:

organisations actively promoting investment in Bulgaria
organisations actively fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in Bulgaria
independent experts and consultants
law and accounting firms
universities and research centres

Download Documents

Interested applicants can apply for a membership by completing the respective application form and the BVCA Questionnaire. Please send your application to [email protected].

Join our group of members

be an active driver for entrepreneurship in Bulgaria